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compatible material中文是什么意思

用"compatible material"造句"compatible material"怎么读"compatible material" in a sentence


  • 可混材料


  • Found the new rp technique in which material addition and material removal are combined . 2 . a compatible material combination was developed . 3 . a new rule to segment part is defined , basing on which the arithmetic is developed
    首次提出了将堆积成形与传统成形相结合的集堆积与雕铣于一体的快速成形技术,为rp领域开辟了新的研究方法与工艺技术; 2
  • It requires compatible part and support materials , subject to the constraints of the deposition and removal processes . the constraints on part and sacrificial support materials were identified and a compatible material combination was developed : unsaturated polyester and wax . some other investigation is conduct , such as the effect of additive on the cure of polyester , the effect of the filling on strength and shrinkage . the part strength is determined both by the bulk material properties of the part materials and by their interlayer bonding
  • The hazards associated with liquid oxygen are exposure to cold temperatures that can cause severe burns ; over pressurization due to expansion of small amounts of liquid into large volumes of gas in inadequately vented equipment ; oxygen enrichment of the surrounding atmosphere ; and the possibility of a combustion reaction if the oxygen is permitted to contact a non - compatible material
用"compatible material"造句  
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